Construction is famous for delays, costly delays. This usually happens because of an easily avoided construction issue that you have to fix before you can continue. Construction is a costly endeavour, whether you are adding onto your house, building one or just fixing something in the house. It is something that you have to carefully plan and going off schedule can be disastrous. Construction mistakes can mean that the building won’t pass inspection and may have to be torn down due to health and safety concerns. They also have a habit of having a domino effect on the whole project. One mistake can cause hold-ups in other parts of the project, such as the plumbing, carpentry, decoration or electricity.

Number one would be making sure that you have a competent manager a good manager will be able to delegate tasks effectively and plan to avoid delays. They will be in constant contact with their crew and suppliers to ensure everything moves ahead smoothly. Connected to this in planning. You need to have a plan for every eventuality so that you have alternative things that can be done if you can’t do a specific task when it was planned. For example, it’s raining, so you can’t pour concrete on that day, so what can be done until you can do the cement.
Your project plan needs to be exhaustive, include every detail as it happens so that your manager can identify potential problems and head them off early. Document the mistakes if and as you find them, including how it happened, what was done and who was responsible. This may not help with your current situation, but you may be able to use the experience to aid in other projects with similar problems.
Schedule contractors far in advance. This is part of the planning stages but is a great tip. If you know of a competent contractor, schedule them in as far advance as you can. Trying to schedule a contractor on short notice sometimes won’t work. Having them in advance means that you won’t have to scramble to find another contractor or delay the project just to have them. You need to have clear communication between everyone; you crew, your employer and your contractor. This will mean no one is in the dark about what they need to do, they know what is required and won’t be working off of old information.

Construction projects are a complicated process and a lot of things can go wrong and even a small mistake can create a larger one that might not be so easily resolved as when it was first found. For the most part, adequate planning and attention to detail will resolve most problems,. But mistakes happen. The important thing to do is ensure they don’t derail the project and learn from them. A mistake you learn from is one that is prevented at your next construction project.